Friday, 27 July 2012

All android.......

So far i have been giving the details on different mobile operating systems and i also given differences b/w them and android OS.

From here on I will be discussing the android and android in more detail and in more depth.

Android comes in many versions (now V4.3 is latest) here i will present the details of OS till V3.0 and their features.


Android v/s i phone

Android v/s windows

Android vs. Symbian

Android OS VS Symbian OS

While Android and Symbian have been making headlines since their release, the war between them has already been waged. The makers, namely, Google and Nokia have been trying hard to beat each other in terms of performance. While Android is relatively older, Symbian is also trying hard to keep up with the former. With both providing amazing gaming experience, it is for the gamers to determine the best choice. However the following discussion under the head will help you have a rough idea about the specialties of both.

  • Open / Close OS Symbian OS: 
In the competition going on in the mobile platforms of Open Source, developers preferably have two major choices: Android and Symbian. It has an integrated browser that in based on WebKit engine of open source. The former is an open source but with a closed development (relatively). Symbian is out and out an open source, once it comes around the corner, to release its full source code.
  • Feature / Tools Exclusive to OSandroid os:
Android’s bunch of features includes Application Framework that allows users to reuse components, Dalvik Virtual Machine, Optimized graphics for full 2D and 3D support. With media support for video, still images, common audio, and other complicated formats, its multimedia performance is also very high. It sports features like accelerometer, compass and GPS. For storage of structured data, SQLite, is just ideal. Further core applications like SMS program, maps, calendar, email client, contacts, Java programming, etc are highly optimized in Android. However, Android does have a very poor support for Web games, which makes it quite unusable for playing online.
Symbian, on the other hand supports C++ programming effectively. It is because of its high Java support, that gaming has its ultimate experience here. More for online games, that takes time to buffer and run on other mobile, this one has smooth running as a PC. With its wide compatibility with device, it is also a good choice, especially for gamers. But, Symbian OS is not equally good in terms of downloading gaming. Nonetheless, in all the other aspects it is quite competent.
  • Usability android os Symbian OS :
Depending on the user’s choice, both are easy to operate with non-complex interface. Users can use either of them depending on their need. While both provide smooth uninterrupted gaming experience, the Symbian one is more prescribed for online gaming. However, both the operating systems have refined playing in touch screens in mobiles.
  • Telco Networkandroid os:
Android has made its handsets a Wi-Fi hotspot. With a support to wireless Internet, this operating system can run Web on your handset even when you do not have a network connection in your phone. You can simply get a wireless connection from some other device to serve the purpose.
Symbian does not have an integrated network accelerator, for smoother and clearer video calling, but you can download one and use to speed up the connection for uninterrupted networking.
  • Handset/ hardware differencesandroid os:
The hardware interface of Android includes an autofocus camera, callback on camera error, etc. and interface for supplying image data from captured picture, delivering copies of preview, geomagnetic field, sensor and other exciting features that facilitate the usage.
Handsets like Nokia N8, powered by Symbian OS have been reported with issues with opening large web pages.
  • Internet and Email android os
Android 2.0 now includes the Firefox Mobile Web Browser, which provides faster and stable browsing experience. Symbian browser can download only one file at one time, however there is now support for multi window browsing though the Symbian web browser.
  • Applications Symbian OS
with Android operating system, the users can access thousands of applications, which is essential for the smart phones. Being an open source platform with relatively closed development, Android offers several applications. However, being an out-n-out open source OS Symbian offers huge range of third party apps.
  • Multimedia android os
Both Android and Symbian based mobile phones support good multimedia features. The media players can play diverse music and video files, while there are high mega pixel cameras as well. However, the images appear better on the Android based touch screen phones.
  • Conclusion
Android is much advanced and provides more value to the end users. Symbian needs updates its features.

I've given the pros and cons of android at my previous discussion, so here i will be giving only the pros and cons of bada.....

This one is still new on the blocks but is creating great news in the market already; it is expected to give the big players a run for their money very soon. The operating system had been developed by Samsung and is currently found running on only Samsung phones. Bada supports all the various sensors that the Android and Apple iOS support and very well fits them to its architecture. It has also developed a SDK for itself which means that there will be huge number of apps for the operating system pretty soon.


  • Brilliant architecture allows apps to be installed on card
  • Samsung build quality
  • Free applications available in huge numbers in the app store
  • Supports Flash
  • Since new hence relatively cheaper
  • API prevents future improvements in technology
  • Applications cannot access SMS/MMS data
  • Less number of apps available in the app store

in next part i will be discussing the nokia's symbian OS....
 In the ongoing battle between mobile operating system giants like Google’s Android and Research in Motion’s (RIM) BlackBerry OS 7, it seems that would-be smartphone owners will find it hard to choose the best mobile OS for their everyday lives.


From the looks of it Android seems to be the new kid from on the block. Introduced by Google way back in 2007, Android has grown tremendously in just a short time.  Here is a shortlist of why Android is so great, and not-so-great.

Android pros:

  • Open Source.  What makes Android shine out from the rest of the crowd is its being open source. This attracts many programmers and developers from all walks of life, as Google freely distributes its source code for the Linux kernel and other publicly licensed code for anyone who wants to contribute to the development of the software. In short, programmers and developers alike can easily whip out their own versions of Android custom-tailored whatever pleases them. 
  • Applications.  There’s an app for almost every situation, and since its inception, Android primarily focuses on enhancing user experience with the use of applications. With hundreds of thousands of apps in the Android Market, users will be overwhelmed by truckloads of apps that easily integrate with the Android OS to cater to their needs. 

  • Hardware.  In terms of hardware, Android by far has the most numerous choices of smartphones to date. Mobile phone manufacturers like Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC, and Motorola offer customers a wide variety of smartphone choices to choose from.  Android is flexible enough to run on almost all smartphones as long as it matches the minimum requirements.
  • Software.  When it comes to software, Android can run multiple apps at the same time as it has swap-space management–a luxury that not all mobile devices support due to hardware limitations. It also has ActiveSync built in natively, which allows you to easily synchronize contacts, mails, and personal information once the device is paired to a desktop computer. BlackBerry on the other hand requires some installation of software and a server

Android Cons

  • Poor Battery Life.  Most Android devices experience poor battery life and this is one of the major issues that Google and Android handset manufacturers are still addressing. A typical Android smartphone dies down within a day of normal use compared to BlackBerry’s corporate design that could handle even after a day’s heavy use.

  • Crapware.  The Android Market may have an extensive array of applications free to download, but many of them are crapware (i.e., useless apps) as Google doesn’t screen applications before they go online. You have to go through a lot of poorly designed apps before finding a decent one that matches your criteria.

  • Hardware Limitations.  Since Android virtually runs on most smartphones, there’s great chance that your phone may not live up to its potential. Some phones are limited to their hardware, Android may lag and cause the phone to freeze and restart itself to free up additional memory.


The veteran BlackBerry has seen its fair share of ups and downs in the market. Geared towards the corporate world, BlackBerry has adapted new strategies matching close rivals such as Google’s Android. Here is a shortlist of what makes BlackBerry a perfect and not-so-perfect choice among corporate professionals.

BlackBerry Pros

  • Push Email Technology.  Proud owners of BlackBerry devices are always up to date when it comes to messaging.  BlackBerry easily integrates push email technology in a breeze, allowing you to instantly receive messages as soon as they start showing up in your inbox. With BlackBerry’s push email service, you can easily receive and send messages in just a matter of seconds.
  • Hardware.  BlackBerry’s elegant keyboard still remains the number one choice for many of its customers. The elegant QWERTY keyboard allows faster typing and accuracy that is not normally found in many of its competitors. BlackBerry also is known for being rugged yet sexy, making it durable and resistant to many forms “abuse.”
  • Data Management.  The lifeblood that makes BlackBerry phones a stable choice for many corporate officials would be its handling of data compression. BlackBerry phones are capable enough for compressing data down to half the size, saving you the cost of expensive bandwidth.
  • Battery Life.  Amongst other competitors, BlackBerry seemingly has the best battery management providing users optimal power consumption in just a single full charge.

BlackBerry Cons

  • Applications.  RIM has managed to follow in the footsteps of Apple by introducing their own BlackBerry App World. With much hype, the app store lacked decent amount of applications and it failed to attract developers with its poor interfaced leading to its demise.
  • Slow Web Browser. Unlike its competitor, BlackBerry has the most sluggish response time when it comes to browsing the Internet. Although BlackBerry features data compression, it still can’t keep pace in loading Web resources like wallpapers and pictures.
  • Business-oriented.  Achieving its success by bridging the gap to the corporate world, BlackBerry failed to realize how important the average user can be.  BlackBerry is looked upon as a corporate tool rather than an average device for the everyday person.
 concluding between android and blackberry is up to the end user... ultimately end user only knows what he actually wants.... android or blackberry.. my choice b/w android and blackberry is android

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

hi dear all, welcome again......

here following i will be mentioning the some of the major operating systems for smart mobile phones other than Android. I will take android for discussion here after discussing the mobile operating systems other than android.....

  • BlackBerry OS from RIM 



  This OS is focused on easy operation and was originally designed for business. Recently it has seen a surge in third-party applications and has been improved to offer full multimedia support.
  • iOS from Apple Inc .

    The Apple iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and second-generation Apple TV all use an operating systemncalled iOS, which is derived from Mac OS X. Native third party applications were not officially supported until the release of iOS 2.0 on July 11th 2008.
  • bada from Samsung Electronics. 


    This is a mobile operating system being developed by Samsung Electronics. Samsung claims that bada will rapidly replace its proprietary feature phone platform, converting feature phones to smartphones.The name 'bada' is derived from 바다, the Korean word for ocean or sea. The first device to run bada is called 'Wave' and was unveiled to the public at Mobile World Congress 2010. The Wave is a fully touchscreen running the new mobile operating system. With the phone, Samsung also released an app store, called Samsung Apps, to the public. 
  • Windows Phone from Microsoft.


     On February 15th, 2010, Microsoft unveiled its next-generation mobile OS, Windows Phone. The new mobile OS includes a completely new over-hauled UI inspired by Microsoft's "Metro Design Language". It includes full integration of Microsoft services such as Windows Live, Zune, Xbox Live and Bing, but also integrates with many other non-Microsoft services such as Facebook and Google accounts.

    in the next post i will be giving the brief details of all the features these phone and i will compare these smart phone operating system with the android operating system.....